Covid-19 Protocols

The safety of our guests and our team is of utmost importance and after carefully assessing every risk, we have given much consideration to finding a balance between our unforgettable guest experience and ensuring that we take the necessary, well-informed precautions to follow strict protocols developed on the recommendations of prominent authorities like the World Health Organization (WHO).
It is imperative that Guests follow stringent hygiene practices including regular hand washing and sanitizing, avoid touching face and nose and wear a face mask when in the company of other’s.


Covid-19 Terms & Conditions Covid-19 Protocols

Social Distancing

Guests are encouraged to follow the recommended principles of social distancing and remain 1.5m (5 feet) apart in common areas.

General Hygiene

Hand sanitizer is available throughout common area’s and guest suites. Guest suites are sanitized thoroughly before check-in and daily during your stay. Additional cleaning protocols are in place for common area’s and guest suites focusing on high-contact areas, surfaces, door handles, light switches, remotes & coffee machines

Guest Health Checks

Guest hands sanitized on arrival, temperature taken, symptom screening and travel history confirmed and documented. Medical contacts informed of any irregularities and advice given on protocol to follow.

Game Drives

Vehicles thoroughly cleaned between game drives, with a focus on high contact areas.  Face masks are optional on all games. Our team will keep the mood light while ensuring all health and safety protocols are adhered to, while you enjoy the hospitality.

Team Training & Monitoring

Our team is trained on the latest health protocols, as recommended by the WHO, which are strictly adhered to on and off the property.

Our team is screened daily for symptoms, temperature taken and recorded and regular Antigen testing is undertaken by the reserve paramedic as an additional precautionary measure. Any irregularities are noted and immediately reported to our medical partners for further advice.

Our team live on the property with limited movement in outside communities permitted during their working cycle.

Strict hygiene protocols apply to all suppliers and delivery personal are required to wear a face mask and sanitize hands prior to entering the lodge and staff areas

Air & Road Transport Partners

We are working with our service providers in air and road transport to ensure that appropriate health and safety measures are implemented in line with Covid-19 protocols.

These suppliers are following the recommended guidelines including staff screening and training in health and safety protocols, extensive cleaning of transport carriers and Guest screening on arrival.

Medical Support

We have worked extensively with our Medical Partners to develop a clear plan of action in the event of a suspected case of Covid-19.

Our Guests will have telephonic access to on call Doctors should they develop any symptoms, or have any concerns about their health during their stay.

A quick and seamless Antigen test can be arranged at the lodge for guests peace of mind should they suspect that they may have Covid-19.

PCR Testing Prior To International Flights

PCR Testing can be done in the comfort of guest's suites by prior arrangement. Please contact us for more information and a quote.

Our team will support you every step of the way!
We have simply adjusted our daily procedures to a ‘new normal’ ensuring that our updated operational protocols seamlessly merge with the principals upon which the Unforgettable NAKO Guest Experience was formed - exclusivity, privacy and unforgettable moments in the Wilderness!

About us

Located in the Pride of Africa Nature Reserve, Dinokeng, NAKO Safari Lodge offers guests a 5 Star, Big 5 Safari getaway just 1 hour from Johannesburg and OR Tambo International Airport and 30 minutes from Pretoria.



Pride of Africa Nature Reserve, Dinokeng Game Reserve, South Africa, 0400



+27 82 887 8613

Lodge Direct

+27 82 887 8614

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